
last weekend

* Met two people who immediately grokked my shirt. Nice.

* One of them has read the Monster manga. Double nice. But her favorite Pokemon is Psyduck. Eww dude. Scyther all the way.

* Helped a drunken person hobble and puke her way back to her apartment for the first time. Amazingly I never did this in college despite being the only Sober Guy at most drinky events.

* Listened to the same person practicing violin in the law school kitchen the next day. She's hella good (pro quality) and I guess she gets over hangovers fast. Hope she keeps practicing regularly.

* You know who's not good? The guy in my apartment who diddles on his keyboard when I'm trying to sleep. Argh stop accompanying imaginary middle school choirs (that's what it sounds like)

* Signed up for a few clubs at the activities fair. Especially the ones that gave out food. The Hong Kong Students Association had white rabbit candy! Nice! See you guys on Saturday!

* Noticed the undergrads here are signif. more attractive than at H and immediately felt guilty for thinking that. Man I was a college senior not three months ago and now I feel like the star of the next To Catch a Predator episode.

* Note to self: avoid Collegetown Bagels and Rulloff's for breakfast.

1 comment:

ming said...

you dirty old man