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A selection of terms I've added to Word's dictionary since starting law school:

bailee (what whales who went to law school use to catch krill)
bailor (lots of -ees, -ants, and -ors in legalese)
berm (can't believe this wasn't already in the dictionary)
bonum (but wear a condom first)
conveyancing (I'm pretty sure some judge came up with this one on the spot)
crossclaimed (hyphens are for the dashing)
declarant (why can't they just say "speaker")
dispositive (really handy word)
donative (e.g. "donative intent," the intent to make a gift and unsuccessfully sue to get it back, you heartless bastard)
ejectment (what happens when you throw a tin of Altoids really hard at the ground)
estoppel (GREAT word, if only because it sounds like something you'd ask to be sprinkled on your strudel)
executory (this word evokes Darth Vader's theme in my head)
foreseeability (can't believe this wasn't in Word's dictionary either. Who woulda thought?)
hypotheticals (o rly)
inplead (no, outplead isn't a word)
judicata (part of the phrase "res judicata" which means "screw you dude we already decided this like two days ago")
justiciable (capable of being justiced)
lawyering (I still maintain this is not a real word)

I will take a break here to avoid list-fatigue

OK ready


lessor (disappointingly, not the opposite of "greator")
mens (. . . rea / restroom)
meruit (as in "Quantum Meruit," airing Wednesday nights on Sci-Fi at 9 Eastern/6 Pacific)
movant (I like the way this sounds. moooovant.)
overdetermination (as in causal overdetermination. I'm surprised I hadn't added this before since it comes up in some fields of philosophy.)
parol (not a mispelling of "parole")
personalty (an object you can move around, as opposed to realty or fatty)
privity (sounds vaguely naughty. I'm seeing English schoolboys in uniform, huddled in a corner of the yard, all goggle-eyed at the legal textbook they found in Dad's nightstand. The one in the middle is so amazed that his center-parted hair has rotated 90 degrees. Just sit for a minute and imagine what that would look like.)
promisee (mine mine mine)
promisor (yours yours yours)
punitives (i.e. punitive damages)
rea (mens...)
res (see "judicata")
retributivism (I will make another post about this)
servient (property law generates a lot of weird words)
tortfeasor (he or she who commits a tort. A repeated tort is a retort. (I wish))
tortious (semantically different from "tortuous" but they often come out to the same thing)
triable (as in "triable warfare," fighting between hostile triabs)
trover (thank property law for this one too. Also a good name for a dog.)
unconscionability ("UNCONSCIONABLE!" is my new expletive of choice. "That's friggin' unconscionable, bro.")
unestablished (I don't remember typing this)
unowned (nacho cheese)
voidable (as opposed to constipated)

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